Miss Fitty nominated me for the LIEBSTER blog award! I've met her on the YouTube Layout Hop, and I like watching her creative and unique scrapbook style. Next to that I love the adventures she has with her daughter and I think she is a funny mother! So thank you a lot, and go over her blog; she is awesome!!
AND THE RULES ARE: *The nominated user must provide a link back to the person who nominated them. *Provide 11 facts about yourself. *Answer 11 questions set by the person who nominated you. *Choose 11 more people and ask them 11 questions.
11 facts about me:
I try to narrow it down to 11 words that fits me: crazy, feminist, crafter, happy, 2 brothers, messy, elephants, pink, student, public transport user, water melon
I try to narrow it down to 11 words that fits me: crazy, feminist, crafter, happy, 2 brothers, messy, elephants, pink, student, public transport user, water melon
My 11 answers are:
1. Do you have one favorite song, or 17? Feel free to share some titles…
Christina Aguilera - Ain't No Other Man: this is the ultimate swing song: I love music with a social message
If I Needed You - The Broken Circle Breakdown: It's from the most beautiful film ever made
Christina Aguilera - Ain't No Other Man: this is the ultimate swing song: I love music with a social message
If I Needed You - The Broken Circle Breakdown: It's from the most beautiful film ever made
2. If you could be cheese… what kind would best describe you? A soft cheese with pineapple in lol
3. Do you hoard anything secretly? YES!! Paper bags and boxes, I always keep them to make birthday gifts, but always ending up not using it. (I should create with them)
4. Gnome or dwarf? Definitely Gnome! I want to live in a mushroom :)
5. What inspires you when you’re feelin’ empty? Pinterest & YouTube, the internet is an explosion of creativity and it's a danger for concentration on schoolwork!!
6. Sand or snow? Both from a distance; I love the sun and the sound of the see, but I don't like the sand haha. It itches and it's everywhere (hair, underwear, socks,...). The same for snow, I don't like it when it's cold, but I do love the sight of white streets and Christmas light. I love watching snow from behind the window with a hot choco milk hihi...

7. Do you have a drink that accompanies you when you’re creating? Coffee, tea, coke? I got a silly answer on this one; it's simply water. I always drink water, but if I don't, I like to drink some Ice Tea Peach when I'm crafting...
8. Finish this sentence: When I can’t sleep, I always end up ______ crawling around until my boyfriend get sick and can't sleep *woepsie*
9. Let’s dig deeper, what’s your stance on stairs? I almost always keep my hands on the handrails; yep the old woman inside me haha. Once I hurt myself so bad with falling with my upper arms on a marble staircase; I'm scared of the stairs now.
10. If there was only one food left and you had to eat that food for
the rest of your life to survive, what would you like it to be? Last time we went for my boyfriend's mother her birthday to a culinary restaurant. I ate things I never loved eating and I ate the best dessert everrr in my life (yes I'm a dessert-person)! I definitely want to eat that for the rest of my life!

11. Share one or more family or friend traditions that are special to you! My friend Nathalie and I do ladies nights. These are nights with only the both of us, making some cupcakes, drinking pissang ambon, and we tread or faces with masks. We always end up ruing the cake (because we are both clumsy) and have giggles to see each other with the masks; it's so funny & we never get to old for this!!!
AND most important, here are my nominees:
1. Roni: She all started my love for YouTube, she was my first subscriber and I love her!
2. Moira: My sweetest crafty friend from Canada
2. Moira: My sweetest crafty friend from Canada
3. Carrie: one of my favoritte craftes, she so talented
4. Jeanet: she is an awesome follower on my blog and happy crafter, book reader and kook.
5. SNL-design: the new team looks so fun and I want to know them better
6. Alice: I know her form the SNL design team, she is a truth sweetheart!
7. Tamar: happy and creative woman; I love to read her comments
8. Samantha: a sweetheart that organizes the sponsors for the YouTube Layout Hop
9. Carlie: a very talented girl, with enormous fun blog post and video's
10. Crystal: a girl with her own crafty style, or should I say cute-creepy?
11. Everyone else who want to join
7. Tamar: happy and creative woman; I love to read her comments
8. Samantha: a sweetheart that organizes the sponsors for the YouTube Layout Hop
9. Carlie: a very talented girl, with enormous fun blog post and video's
10. Crystal: a girl with her own crafty style, or should I say cute-creepy?
11. Everyone else who want to join
11 questions for my nominees:
1. Describe yourself with three words, 2. What where you doing 10 minutes ago?, 3. Flat shoes or high heels?, 4. The best part of waking up is?, 5. How did you start crafting?, 6. What's your favorite perfume?, 7. Comedy or thriller?, 8. What are your top three songs at this moment, 9. What chore do you absolutely hate doing?, 10. Where would you travel to, if you had an open end budget?, 11. Tell us something we don't know about you,
I hope you had fun reading my answers, & like to see what you do with these questions!!
NL.: Sorry voor mijn nederlandstalige bloglezertjes, maar ik heb op het moment de tijd niet om dit bericht te vertalen. Hopelijk zijn jullie weg met de Engelse taal en anders raad ik jullie google translate aan. Toch bedankt om ook dit berichtje te lezen!! :)

Leuk om te lezen, Ellen :o)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenAww..... thanks Ellen! I don't think I have as many as 11 blogs to share, but will join in for sure ; )
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOeps...dat had ik helemaal niet gezien, Ellen. Kwam nog even terug om te kijken na jouw berichtje, maar zie mezelf er nu inderdaad tussen staan. LOL
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDe laatste twee letters van mijn naam zijn weggevallen, dus vandaar dat ik mezelf niet 'herkende' :o)
Maar ik zal eens gaan nadenken over al die vragen (en antwoorden :o)
Lief dat je aan me gedacht hebt, bedankt!
You are so sweet to nominate me - but I don't think I know 11 blogs. It is crazy, I don't even know Fitty's, but I guess she has one. Yours and Moira are it. Yikes! I need to start blog hopping I guess. But I will answer your questions. It might take more than one box. 1. A crafty, faithful coffee lover. 2. Walking in the front door. 3. Flat 4. Coffee 5. My Mom 6. Bath and Body Works lotion, no perfume. 7. Comedy 8. All of Me, I choose You, A Sky full of Stars 9. Mopping 10. To visit you and other YT buddies 11. I love to watch movies that have such happy/sweet endings that I cry.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThanks so much for the nomination!!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHoi hoi
BeantwoordenVerwijderenNou Supppppppppppppppppper bedankt. Ik moet er even een keer voor gaan zitten om er een mooi verhaal van te maken. Nogmaals bedankt . Lief lief lief.
Fijne avond
I sooo meant to comment on this when it was first here, but I was having that "error posting" message!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenAnyway! Congrats, love your blog! And now I will find Roni's! lol. And I will learn your language.... maybe...